Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feet may hold the key to health

foot health say that keeping 0an eye our feet is like keeping an eye to overall health. undiagnosed diabetes, cardivascular disease, kidney disease and canser can be shown through feet. feet have the longest nerves and arteries in the body and at the lowest part of the body. therefor, they will be the first signal to our body.

when there is a diabetes, the extra sugar damages the nerves and other tissues. when there is blood pressure or other cardiovascular problems, our feet may swell. if vessels clog with impurities, tissues die nad must be amputated.

kidney disease can cause swelling.

when there is a blood flow problems, our toes will show a darkening or discoloration.
unexplained sores and lacerations signal loss of ifeeling in feet, and that signals diabetes.

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