Sunday, October 19, 2008

health benefit of onion

Onion is being used for centuries not just to add flavor to foods but also for its therapeutic properties. Onion have an antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Some people mixed vinegar with onion juice and apply it in their freckles and warts, it is believed that it can remove/reduce this skin problems.

Onion is Beneficial in the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Influenza
  • Colds
  • Tuberculosis
  • Insomnia
  • Pneumonia
  • Antiallergy
  • Obesity
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Slightly laxative
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Prolong longevity
  • Helps destroy worms and other parasites.
  • Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tube)
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves)
  • Vertigo (inflammation of nerves)
  • Diuretic (increases the secretion of urine)
  • Diabetes mellitus - lowers blood sugar.
  • Valuable for the hair, nails of the fingers and toes, and for the eyes.
  • Sinus conditions - helps to drain mucus from the cavities and loosen phlegm.
  • Whether fresh or cooked onions have antiplatelet, adhesiveness, thus preventing thrombosis.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

health benefits of bell pepper

  • good source of vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.
  • contain a large amount of phytochemicals that have exceptional antioxidant activity.
  • Red bell peppers contain lycopene, which is a carotene that helps to protect against cancer and heart disease.
  • be protective against cataracts.
  • Just like other nutrient-dense vegetables, bell peppers contain many different powerful phytochemicals.
  • prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes probably due to their content of substances such as vitamin C, capsaicin, and flavonoids.

5 reason why you should drink more water everyday

  • skin looking smooth and supple.
  • help you cut calories. A can of soda can have as many as 240 calories per serving.
    Drinking 1 or 2 of these each day is a recipe for gaining weight. Choosing to drink water
    instead is the calorie free way to quench your thirst.
  • help you distinguish thirst from hunger. If you allow your body to become dehydrated it will be difficult to discern whether that gnawing feeling in your stomach is a call for food or a call for water. And if you keep eating food when what your body really needs is water, you will gain weight.
  • help your think more clearly. Research has repeatedly shown that staying hydrated is necessary for the human brain, which is 85 percent water, to function at optimal levels.
  • help you feel better. Your body is about 75 percent water and 25 percent solid material. Doesn’t it make sense that you would need to drink water on a daily basis to ensure that your body has all the water it needs to perform at optimal levels. It is a mistake to believe that thirst is the only indicator of a need to drink water. Constipation, achy joints and fatigue are also signals that your body may be dehydrated.

health benefits of onion

health benefits of tomatoes

  • low in calories
  • packed with nutritions, especially when there are fully ripe
  • provide an excellent source of vitamins C and K, carotenes and biotenes
  • good source of vitamin B6, niacin, folic acid, fiber and pantothenic acid
  • high contain of lycotine that tomatoes contain, they have increasingly received a lot of attention as a health food
  • the red carotene (lycopene) is extremely protective against breast, lung, colon, prostate, and skin cancers
  • that tomatoes lower the risk of heart disease, cataracts, and macular

health benefits of ginger

  • effective in elleviating symptoms gastrointestinal destress
  • effective for travel
  • reduce all symptoms that are associate with motion sickness including nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and cold sweating
  • contains high level of active substances, so even a small dosage provides beneficial health.

health benefits of chilies

provide vitamin c and capsaicin
used as hot spice especially in ethnic cuisine
effective in stimulating and enhancing digestion
capsaicin in chili peppers has a stimulating effect on the mucus membranes of the nose and sinuses. it stimulates blood flow through the membranes and causes mucus secretions to become thinner and more liquid.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feet may hold the key to health

foot health say that keeping 0an eye our feet is like keeping an eye to overall health. undiagnosed diabetes, cardivascular disease, kidney disease and canser can be shown through feet. feet have the longest nerves and arteries in the body and at the lowest part of the body. therefor, they will be the first signal to our body.

when there is a diabetes, the extra sugar damages the nerves and other tissues. when there is blood pressure or other cardiovascular problems, our feet may swell. if vessels clog with impurities, tissues die nad must be amputated.

kidney disease can cause swelling.

when there is a blood flow problems, our toes will show a darkening or discoloration.
unexplained sores and lacerations signal loss of ifeeling in feet, and that signals diabetes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

a box full of kisses

the story goes that some time ago,a man punished his three years old daughter for wasting a roll of his gold wrapping paper. money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box under a Christmas tree. nevertheless the girl brought the present to her father the next morning and said, "this is for you, daddy."
the man was embarrassed by his earlier over action, but his anger flared again when his found out the box was empty, he yelled at her,stating,"don't you know when you give someone a gift, there is supposed to be something inside? the little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried,"oh daddy, its not empty at all. i blew kisses into the box. there are all for you daddy."
the father was crushed. he put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.
only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. it is told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and whenever it was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.


apple pie

today we have to find something that related to our course which is chemical engineering(biotechnology). then, the first thing that cross to my mind is how to make apple pie. apple pie is a part of almost American tradition.with its own way. why the apple pie is the favorite? the crumbliness of the shortening crust along with the flakiness of a butter crust, make it delicious. next, its scrumptious filling, the sweet vinegar and the cinnamon coating, then its melts in mouth making its more more yummy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Make A Mother

By the time the Lord made mothers, He was into the sixth day working overtime. An Angel appeared and said "Why are you spending so much time on this one?" And the Lord answered and said, "Have you read the spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not elastic; have 200 movable parts, all replaceable; run on black coffee and leftovers; have a lap that can hold three children at one time and that disappears when she stands up; have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart; and have six pairs of hands."

The Angel was astounded at the requirements for this one. "Six pairs of hands! No way!" said the Angel.

The Lord replied, "Oh, it's not the hands that are the problem. It's the three pairs of eyes that mothers must have!"

"And that's on the standard model?" the Angel asked. The Lord nodded in agreement, "Yep, one pair of eyes are to see through the closed door as she asks her children what they are doing even though she already knows. Another pair in the back of her head are to see what she needs to know even though no one thinks she can. And the third pair are here in the front of her head. They are for looking at an errant child and saying that she understands and loves him or her without even saying a single word."

The Angel tried to stop the Lord "This is too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."

"But I can't!" The Lord protested, "I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can feed a family of six on a pound of hamburger and can get a nine year old to stand in the shower."

The Angel moved closer and touched the woman, "But you have made her so soft, Lord."

"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."

"Will she be able to think?" asked the Angel.

The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason, and negotiate."

The Angel then noticed something and reached out and touched the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like You have a leak with this model. I told You that You were trying to put too much into this one."

"That's not a leak." the Lord objected. "That's a tear!"

"What's the tear for?" the Angel asked.

The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her disappointment, her pain, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride."
The Angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything for this one. You even created the tear!"

The Lord looked at the Angel and smiled and said, "I'm afraid you are wrong again. I created the woman, but she created the tear!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

friendship last forever

here is a poem that i just read from internet :


In that forgotten part of town
Where wasted hopes and dreams abound,
A wrinkled man with life near end,
In hopes to have at least one friend,
Fashioned bits of wood and things
And made a dummy run by strings.

He sat alone for hours on end,
Conversing with his only friend
And found delight within the fact
That he controlled it's every act.
He told it how he never had
A chance, since all his luck was bad
Although he'd tried so to succeed -
The dummy nodded and agreed.

And how his journeys in romance
Had never given him a chance,
And wasn't it a crying shame
That he was always held to blame
When everyone knew, oh so well,
That life is but a living Hell,
Controlled by lust and power and greed?
The dummy nodded and agreed.

With patience that would rival saints,
That dummy sat through all complaints
And, with each little expert tug,
He'd droop his head or bow or shrug
And give some comfort to the man
Who held his lifelines in his hand
And helped to fill a lonely need
When he just nodded and agreed.

Senility increased with time
As did the old man's phantomime,
And feverish fingers pulled with glee
The dummy's dance of misery.
They never left each other's side
Until the day both stopped and died.
We found them lying, hand in hand,
The dummy - and his wooden friend.

actually this poem is about friendship towards human being. everybody need friend in their life. without friend, our life will not cheer. no one will cheer us up. for me, without friend we will fell lonely. i can continue my life even i don't have someone special in my life but not if i don't have friend. this is because i can share everything with my friend but not with him. for me, friendship will not last forever.

Friday, August 29, 2008

chocolate beauty products: are they really good for you?

only black chocolates have health benefits, not the milk or the white chocolates.
it have very high level and antioxidants. the polyphenols present in cocoa help combat those free radical changes whle lowering one's blood pressure. cosmetic-wise, cocoa helps nourish and sooth the skin. it's caffeine contain generally stimulates circulation of the bloood, thus providing a healthy glow.

simptoms of computer addiction

phychological symptoms
having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer
inability to stop the activity
craving more time at the computer
neglect of family and friends
feeling empty, depressed, irritable when not at the computer
lying to friends and family
problems with school and jobs

physical simptoms
carpal tunnel syndrome
dry eyes
migraine headaches
back aches
eating irregularities, such as skipping meals
failure to attend to personal hygiene
sleep disturbances, change in sleep pattern

what does goat's milk give you that cow's doesn't?

goa's milk contains around ten grams of fat per ounces compared to 8 to 9 grams in whole cow's milk. goat's milk doesn't not contain agglutinin, make them do not cluster together, so taht it will easy to digest.
goat's milk contains slightly lower levels of lactose, which may be a small advantage in lactose- intolerant persons.
goat's milk contains 13% more calcium,25% more vitamin B-6, 47% percent more vitamin A, 134% more potassium and 3 times more niacin plus 4 times higher in copper.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

tips on how to be more confident in our personal and profesional life

  • be a positive person. if we expect good, it will be good.
  • come into a group discussion and be apart of them, give opinion ,and ask for the feedback. it doesn't matter wether we don't get the good feedback because it will be our experience.
  • confident people are willing to fail in order to have more successes.
  • say to ourself that we can achieve our goal whenever we get the new project.
  • don't be too serious. if we had done mistakes, don't blame to ourself. we can laugh to the mistake if we want then go to the next plan.

effect of chocolate to human body

dark chocolate can be used to treat diabetes because it can metabolize sugar and also improve our cardiovascular health.
for those people who suffer from blood pressure, dark chocolate help them to lower the blood pressure.eating chocolate also help human body to boost in energy because it have very high fat. if we not use the energy, it will be stored as fat. therfore, for those who eat chocolate only for medical benefit, take only the moderate amount of chocolate.

Monday, August 18, 2008

different ages different humor

i thought that babies don't have humor in their life.however, after reading this article i realize that they also know about humor, funny things...on top of that, they also differ humor with us...

babies will give their respond when we tickling or raspberries. they do know that the funny thing is when we put diaper on our head or quack like a duck...

the best thing for toddlers, when we put something surprise such as peek-a-boo or tossing our them up into the air,they will laugh...they also know how to make us laugh when they put on our shoes and clomp around the house...

a perschooler is different with baby and toddler. for example, when we put horse picture that says moo, they will laugh because they know it is funny. they know how to arrange picture with true sound.they also become more aware of bodily functions...

children at school-age-kids know a little bit of simple jokes.basic wordplay,exaggeration and splastick will be incresingly

Friday, August 15, 2008

Where Is The Love

What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIAThe Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Badness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all
People killin', people dyin'Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the loveThe love, the love
It just ain't the same, always unchangedNew days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'in
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our own direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids act like what they see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' downThere's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive to lovers bound
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
sing with me y'allone world one world
we only got
one world, one world
thats all we got one world, one world
and somethin's wrong with it

Sunday, July 20, 2008 2/obesity.html/

Before i read this article, i think obese children will be obese adult. However, its all wrong. It still can be cured if they do treatment earlier. They have to do physical activity, diet management and behavior modification. Parents should help their children by giving them support. For example give them a big clap if they manage to loss 1 kg for their weight. Parents also shouldn't let their children eating too many junk foods, fast foods, and so on. Nowadays, obesity among children is arising. This make me think that they way we eat, our dailies activities can influence our health. So we have to care about our healthy so that we will not to face any healthy problems in future.